Hii and welcome to the first episode of my little project. As you may know I decided to do some interviews with other shifting related accounts in order to get to know them & their experience with shifting. In this “podcast” I hope to not only talk about the positive side of reality shifting but also give myself and others the change to express struggles ands doubts. With that out of the way lets get started with todays episode starring Jude & Eve from shiftingbesties.7.

If you're interested in being featured and doing a little interview, feel free to reach out to me via comments, tiktok or Tumblr (all linked below!)


Hello Jude & Eve I am happy to have you hear, firstly would you like to introduce yourselves?

Heyy, we’re Jude & Eve, the persons who rule the @shiftingbesties.7 account. Our platform is recently new compared to other’s shifting content creators, but we have been in this world since late 2020. Talking about us, we’re just two best friends that decided to start posting information about shifting, our own experiences and of course, memes

To begin, what are your favorite / or go to methods?

Jude: Personally, I’m really good at visualizing and I spend most of my day daydreaming. My fav methods are the ones where I can do it, like 5 senses method, or Alice in wonderland.

Eve: For me, I don’t have an easy time visualizing, even tho I daydream a lot. My go-to methods are the Julia method and the Void method.

And how are you able to stay focused during the methods?

Eve: I only try to shift when I’ve already done everything I have to do that day, so that when it’s time to shift, I only have my mind setted into that

Jude: I wish I knew ahahaha. I tend to lose focus constantly while shifting, but I gently try to guide myself into the method. It really helps letting your thoughts flow, not attaching to them.

What are your best tips / advice for beginners?

Jude: Be kind and gentle with yourself. Shifting is a skill, it’s okay if you have a hard time achieving it. Also, don’t completely neglect your OR/CR, at the end of the day, this is a reality too.

Eve: Don’t overthink to much!! At the end it’s gonna cause stress, and it’s going to affect you and your well-being, and it may cause you to not shift at all! Be kind to yourself and know how to take breaks. It’s totally okay!

Were there times where you had any doubts about shifting?

Eve: Yes, when I started into the shifting world, I had doubts that it was real, but after getting to know other shifter’s experiences, I started believing in it.

Jude: Yes, I still have some and I successfully shifted. Sometimes you don’t feel good enough or that you can’t do it bc you still have stuff to do here.

Thank you! Now feel free to tell me about your favorite drs.